31 January, 2004

Hmmmmmm.... heres a little bit about me..we were talking about who we were in sec. sch at the playground and that just got me reflecting.. (also really bored right now...and Alicia is blarin on my speakers).....for the first 13-14 years of my life i had never been a very sociable person..... really quiet.. keeping my mouth shut in class unless it came to Literature...wow i loved it! kept a real low profile in school back then, something difficult to do in Geylang Methodist SS. especially since i was like the only indian girl who took tamil.urgh..well anyhow... i belonged to the caste of the freaks who spoke in a fairly,passable level of english and listened to weird music...and made no attempt to keep up with the trends.long socks??!! like hello?..my friends were the same.. so there we were at the outskirts...quiet and mocking everyone else...and then came Sec.3, thats everything changed...i spent the first two yrs begging my english teacher to set up a drama club! it came to a point that every time she saw me she would turn around and walk in the other direction, but anyways... sec 3 came and news got out that we finally have a drama club!!!... so we went to the auditions, but of course who was at the audi's but a whole bunch of ppl my friends and i took lengths to avoid...it was like there was representation from all the different groups..the prefects, the netball people, the volley ball ppl,and us, of course, and the popular ones,all of em! put us in a room together and whaddya get...ppl who sit in different corners and look at each other.. well anyhow.... auditions came and went.... then came rehearsals... as time passed...we got to know each other better and better...the differences dissolved, and the similarities surfaced... and it was all good.... we became sort of a really big group of friends...and i mean all of us!! it meant mass dinners and lunches...after and before rehearsals...sort of like MG now? and we suffered under Roger Jenkins together...playing Pepsi-cola, and London bridge is falling down during the long breaks when we had the school concert. rehearsals..thing is i learnt a hell of alot from them...and i also learnt being different is good... so the harder i strove to be different..it was sec4 .i became Kay... the girl with the braided hair and all the weird stuff she carried to school... you would think i would be worse in poly...but i'm too lazy now..lol...the whole thing was just to push my discipline teachers buttons!! he couldn do a thing about my hair!! wahahahhaha... and i was a major fan of eminem... so there i was in my rappin phase...writtin loads and loads of shit. in class when i shd have been studyin...became damn opinionated that made me a pain in the ass to teachers during lessons, all my friends really changed too.... Vanessa became this guitar playin person..and Gawd she is real good at it!!!!! the first girl in my school that could play that well!!! she had this whole rock persona thing goin on..while i had my love for hip-hop deepening... Jaslyn was the one who wrote and boy, her compos were famous! only dudette whos ever gotten full marks for a compo in GM's history!!! that made the brains in our class Grace seethe...but anyhow she became top in school anyway.... and my class was the slacker class...F4-4, when we were 3-4 , all most all of the A maths ppl flunked out and they created a whole new class for them... 4-6... thats how bad we were.. but the lit ppl were safe...we remained as 4-4 all twenty two of us... very small class...the teachers looked at 4-4 and wept... we were playing playing monopoly in class during the prelim period!!and in between classes the monitor would switch off the lights and whole class would sleep...cos most of us spend the nights studying anyway...but explain that to the teacher who walked in during one of our snooze sessions and thot we were being lazy...GO FIGURE...well apart from all the studying we were a real close class... helped each other out, when it came to that thing between me and priscilla...the whole class was behind me...like wow...and we coached each other on subjects...and when it came to racial harmony day the whole class raided my mom's sari collection and wore it... it was cool...then came teachers day...when the beauty queens in my class decided they wanted to give me a make over for my performance on stage.. lol..they were behind me 200%...could i ask for more?
we decided if we were gonna leave school we'll leave with a bang!! and Bang!! we did F 4-4 was famous...we had all the crazy ones... but academically the teachers were really unhappy...and then came the shocker on march 5th i think... F4-4 had the highest grades in the entire level for the O's with the most number of distinctions! the highest girl came from my class!lol.... the teachers especially my form teacher who spent months sufferin, had a cow when he saw my results... i was voted most likely to fail by him in his maths class , for that i had a C5 and for science, my teacher had given up on me a loooong time ago..but just for the heck of it when i got an F9 for my prelims yet again, i made a bet with her...that i would get an A. Mr Ho the form teacher i mentioned was there and he started laughing along with her when i said that... and guess what...i got an A2, wahahahahaha...and my Social studies teacher who spent most of her time barking at me for not doing her work Mrs Lee fang Lan , was the one who read my results to me ...i was the last person to collect my results...she got a pleasant surprise when she found i had an A2 for my Comb.Hum...wahaahha... i was a real headache for my school..runaway case...(another story), doing shit like standing on canteen tables with my friends and doing our dead poets society thing when my lit teacher went past wahahaahhah...nice woman... and creating havoc in class as a gang..sending out petitions to the office to sack teachers..yes yes we did..never got approved though. and pulling pranks on teachers with the help of other teachers....wahahahha.. shan't say who and when ...we brought puppies and kittens to school.. scared the hell out of everyone...we were the unanimous jackasses..lame but yea...and there was'nt a single thing the teacher could or wanted to do..i really do believe they quite enjoyed our smart ass comments.surprisingly..my class was this smogasboard of different personas and yet..we were close..and the thing is we all were trying to create memories..and we got them..good and bad...mostly good and enjoyable...

there was the Peanut Gallery:
carolyn A.K.A Penguin
candice A.K.A grass
Zul A.K.A -
Jasimine A.K.A-

and then:
Pris- dawn 1, the yes-woman
Jaslyn-dawn2, the writer
Dawn- muscle woman
Linmin- the one who looks like a china doll
shih han-bimbo
jieying-the quiet one
bee ting-the bubbly one
grace-the brain
Chew lian- ah lian, sharon au 2
Zhang ning -China man
Chia ching- Crazy man
keith-comic fanatic
derek-carrot, volley ball polisher, sleepy head
ai min- the one with the sweet smile
ivan- the scandinavian butler
sheng yuan- igor
and then theres me- KAY.

Taffy at 6:00:00 PM


Am i gonna join? Well Last night i pretty much sealed my fate by agreeing to it. See we were hangin' at our usual place- not gonna say where- but anyways there we were with Mel croonin' the "Trouble with love is" and it was all good.... and then he just had to bring it up! of course Az was of no help... a bunch of sabo-kings/ queens i hang wid! However one consolation we persuaded Mel to take part as well!!!

See lemme tell ya a lil' bit about this guy... He has got one of those voices that make all those gurlies out there melt into a steaming puddle of goo! ok not a very good mental pic...make it sound like he's a bad-breath demon or somethin'... but boy is he soulful!! he's got this feeling thing goin on.... Wahahahah...bottom line is HE IS GOOD. If any of you catch him walking around TP don't let him go w/o letting him croon for ye a song...suggested "Trouble with love is" or "this is the night" or practically anything by Norah Jones..

Revenge! wahahhahahahahha!!!!

Taffy at 3:21:00 PM

28 January, 2004

i should be heading towards tort lecture now...but i am still at hm blogging... don't i know my priorities!!... same as how me and Erica can use our crim tut free period to go watch a movie deciding to do work if theres time later... lol...Alicia Keys rocks!!! talk abt soulful! ouch!!!

Taffy at 12:40:00 PM

26 January, 2004

ok see the ppl who are reading my blog are probably gonna start thinking i am some love lorn, philosophical, embittered,humourless, know-it-all, whos probably lesbian anyway..( or they might just think i am a prat, but never mind) now let me just quench that belief, i am like any straight, (yes mel i am)hormonal teen out there, who constantly behaves like an idiot (my friends would attest to this) and reads her murder game script in a fake brit accent for laughs. i am also the same prat who would sit smack middle of a corridor of a busy school holding up a sign asking ppl to sign up. for murder game... do not judge me based on what i write here...get to know me first..you would be amazed by the stark contrast. and those of you who are laughing...(yes mel, i am straight)stop. now. i mean it.

really. stop.

ok.fine. lets see how long you can keep it up.

Taffy at 5:49:00 AM

Ok so its almost 5 A.M. and i still can't sleep... got a lecture at 11 A.M. in the morning...
Hmmmmm..... i have just been hit by a revelation... see there i was standing at the window to my kitchen, looking out at the carpark... it just rained and all and the light from the street lamps made the road look real pretty. I almost spit out my coffee suddenly (explains the sleeplessness yes?) when what i saw what i thought was the upper-half of a man standing erect in the middle of the road!!!( you're probably goin' - what?!, seriously when you live life the way i have, thats the kind o thought thats gonna occur to you first) But then of course to my great and utmost relief i realised it was actually a person squatting down... a very short person though (no it was'nt MX, lol j/k!!!) it was the midget who lived in the neighbouring block to mine,(note: could not find a nicer word to describe him) i continued watching as the man got up and slowly limped a few more painful steps...his gait reminded me of that of a toy dog, you know those retarded,robotic ones, that seem to do nothing useful? well yea..and then he squatted down again...he repetitively did this till he reached the main road....at one point however there was this taxi that was pulling out of the carpark, and it had swerve to miss him, i thought the lil' guy had it then... the poor driver probably did'nt expect to see a diminutive man squatting smack middle of the road at 3 in the morning...it was as if the guy did'nt even care if he got hit... then it dawned on me.... maybe he really doesn't care... i have seen him up close before, when i used to come back from secondary school, he would take a rest on those concrete seats they got built up on the void decks.His face always took on this screwed up look when he walked...as if it hurt to walk...other wise he had this melancholic, concentrated look,like he could see something others could'nt...most people usually ignored him and walked right past him... i mean it must be real hard for people like that to live a life in world thats like this...some do it unwillingly, just bidding their time, others... they face life as courageously as they can... achieving more than the ave. ind., That just makes me take a step back and scrutinise myself....i have everything a person could possibly ask for! maybe more... but yet i act as if the world owes me...i guess this is what they mean when they say you see things from a different perspective when you grow up, but i don't want to cause then i am gonna have an explanation for things i don't want one for... i just simply don't want to know the truth..ignorance is truly bliss...the young are always wanting to know.... but once they do they wish they could have innocence back again... knowledge may be powerful... but sometimes... its also painful.

Taffy at 5:12:00 AM

25 January, 2004

Why are some ppl such love sick puppies? i mean whats so great about love?! Sure you feel like you're floating... Sure you get that bubbly feeling deep inside that makes you break out in a smile even in your most troubled times, that makes almost any situation seem like nothing...it may be a many-splendoured thing like Ewan McGregor so proudly proclaimed as Christian in Moulin Rouge to Satine...Love may be the one thing according to certain individuals, that keeps the world going no matter what.. Why its even said its because of the love of God we all exist... Love is when you could give up your life for that one person you hold close to your heart... So tell me if the world is so full of love like we'd all like to believe.. Explain the high divorce rates... Explain all the hate-killing... the racism.....The persecution... The murder, rape and torture we put our children through, we abort them,we abuse them, we teach them immorals. The perversion they grow up with, the violence they learn to get accustomed to or even learn to cause. Everyday, there are people..wounded people on the streets of so many countries who need love, But then here we are in our Comfortable little homes...Monthly drawn salaries... yea from time to time we get a glimpse of these people's world, when the curtain thats between our world and theirs get pulled away for a short while by the media...Then what happens? well i suppose if you're a yuppy, you'd whip out your check book and make a small donation.. (i mean thats what i witnessed my Father do during the Gujarat Earth Quakes) But how often do we let these things sink in? we have become desensitized to all these horrors that surround us...when was the last time you were actually horrified by a bombing that took place in israel or some other war-torn place.. when was the last time the news of a boy losing his life by stepping on a land mine, by accident while playing, in Kampuchea(Cambodia) made you feel sad? When 5 yr old Emma got shot in the head by snipers, [who knew very well that they were targetting a young girl playing marbles on her patio,] in Sarajevo, later died because of Beaureaucratic delays and red tape...Did anyone stop and ask ...why? I fell in love.. you know why? because 3 yrs ago, there was this one 15 yr old boy who allowed himself to see these horrors and instead of building up a wall around his soul to deflect the full scale impact of these things, he wept ....out-loud and open... and the very fact that such an individual could exist astounded me...and for that fact i loved him and i still do...

Taffy at 7:03:00 PM

24 January, 2004

Well another beautiful day to add to my very exciting life..... Can I ask whoever may be reading this a question? Not that I'm expecting an answer or anything...... But what exactly do you do when you really like someone..... But then he says or does something that really ticks you off.....And then just when you so resolutely decide to hate him forever..And shave all your hair off and go on pilgrimage...He goes ahead and does something real sweet.... That it makes your teeth hurt every time you think about it.... ? Dear Goodness have you ever read Sweet valley? Well if you did ...You might know it constitutes of characters in a perpetual state confusion about their love lives..Well if I might say so it seems like a rather accurate portrayal of America's youths.....Well maybe not just the youths..And maybe not just the Americans either coming to think of it.... hmmmm.... Well anyway point being there is a particularly pathetic character... Elizabeth who is in a never-ending dilemma over another character (duh) named Conner, (this is in the later series),whom she cannot come to a conclusion about...Whether to hate or to love..... And you know what? I believe I have just insulted myself, by comparing myself to one of the most unfortunate characters ever created, in one of the most Brainless series of young adult literature ever to be unleashed upon the literary world, that in its time has caused irreparable trauma to today's teens. I don't know how Sweet Valley came into the picture.. But I think I'm gonna blame it for my troubles anyway..They should publish books like "how to handle your hormones"-god that sounds wrong think I should stop be before I babble anymore. Good Night. I hope I don't get sued for Defamation.

Taffy at 2:50:00 AM

22 January, 2004

Hmm..what is it with boys and their minds..... i mean you would think they would be easier to figure out than girls...but i think the latter is a very much more easier gender to figure out. But the plus side is they can be honest about the way they feel.... anyhow just some ponderings.... i am stuck at home... with the 'rents....bored and have nothing to do... and its the chinese new year and every once in a while a taxi pulls into the carpark below and i see a troop af people spilling out to go visiting.... interesting... i have'nt gone visiting or had a family gathering in almost 4years now.... see thats what happens when your dad disowns every relative you have..... so that really makes Deepavali a drag when you have to stay up the entire night watching bollywood movies, and then attend prayers...after that you get to hang with friends but thats about it...and for the past few yrs exams seem to be around the corner when Deepavali comes around so its become a rather cheerless time for me.... anyhow...my friends are out there having fun... and Singapore being a multi-racial society means we get the day off school as well..... Lovely day for a mass suicide ain it? see this means i have finally run out of things to saY... TA-TA

Taffy at 2:32:00 PM

Zippedy doo dah isn every day a blisterin brilliant day........
anyways you guys caught alicia keys "you don't know my name"? its a good song ppl...
that gurl's got enuff talent to light up a dark room... anyways adios gonna go catch some ZZZZZ"s while there still some dark left in the night...

Taffy at 12:31:00 AM

21 January, 2004

That's the mentality here that's the reality here
Did I just hear somebody say they wanna challenge me here?
While I'm holdin a pistol with this many calibres here?
Got some registration and just made this shit valid this year?
Cause once I snap I can't be held accountable for my acts
and that's when accidents happen,
when a thousand bullets come at your house
and collapse the foundation around and they found you
and your family in it.
Shoot this guy's brilliant..check it..Eminem

Taffy at 9:53:00 PM

I can safely say that once again, i have found out that life is more than what it may seem like. Its a bloody maze, i tell ya... just when you think you're completely lost, you turn a corner and you find yourself ...i think that i still have a lot to learn and alot more corners to turn before i do however... sigh... how long is an average Singaporean's lifespan again?

Taffy at 9:25:00 PM

I feel like I'm walkin a tight rope
Without a circus net
I'm popping percasete
I'm a nervous wreck
I deserve respect
But I work a sweat for this worthless check
Bout to burst this tech, at somebody to reverse this debt
Minimum wage got my adrenaline caged
Full of venom and rage

Taffy at 9:18:00 PM

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