30 May, 2004

stone heart
Heart of Stone

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

Taffy at 11:59:00 PM

28 May, 2004

Woke up today, feeling real good... then i walked into the living room and realised why... The bouquet from Nad,Mel,and Azi was on the table.Sing to the Dawn was a blast.

Key board spoil so will continue, later.

Taffy at 12:12:00 AM

21 May, 2004

Left the house, pullin' out the drive backin' out
Need a backin' out this lady's Jag started blackin' out
Pulled the Mac-10 out, stuck it in her face
Shut ya yackin' mouth before I blow the brain from out the back ya scalp
Drug her by her hair, smacked her up
Thinkin' fuck it, mug her while you're there, jacked her up
Stole her car, made a profit
Grabbed the tape from out the deck and offed it out the window
Like the girl on Set It Off did
Jetted off kid, stole the whip, now I'm a criminal
Drove in thru somebody's yard, dove into they swimmin' pool
Climbed out and collapsed on the patio
I made it out alive but I'm injured badly though
Parents screamin': "Son, go in and call the police
Tell 'em there's a crazy man disturbing all of the peace!"
Tried to stall him at least long enough to let me leap up
Run in they crib and at least leave with some little cheap stuff
Actin' like they never seen nobody hit a nick before
Smashed the window, grabbed the Nintendo 64
When they sell out in stores the price triples
I ran up the block jumpin' kids on tricycles
And colliding with an 80-year old lady with groceries
There goes the cheese, eggs, milk and Post Toasties
Stood up and started to see stars
Too many siren sounds, it seemed like a thousand police cars
Barely escaped, must-a been some dumb luck
Jumped up and climbed the back of a movin' dump truck
But I think somebody seen me maybe
Plus I lost the damn Nintendo and I must-a dropped the Beanie Baby
Fuck it I give up, I'm surrounded in blue suits
Came out with a white flag hollerin' "TRUCE TRUCE!"
Surrendered my weapon to cops
Wasn't me! It was the gangsta rap and the peppermint Schnopps

Taffy at 1:30:00 PM

I found it. I found the song I'm gonna sing.

When they push when they pull, tell me can you hold on
when they say you should change can you lift your head high and stay strong
Will you give up, give in, when your heart's crying out that it's wrong
Will you love you for you at the end of it all

In life, there's gonna be times when you're feeling low
And in your mind insecurity seems to take control
We start to look outside ourselves for acceptance and approval
We keep forgettin' that the one thing we should know is

Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar

The boy who wonders is he good enough for them
Keeps tryin' to please 'em all but he just never seems to fit in
Then there's the girl who thinks she'll never ever be good enough for him
Keeps tryin' to change and that's a game she'll never win

Now in life there's gonna be times when you're feeling low
And in your mind insecurity seems to take control
We start to look outside ourselves for acceptance and approval
We keep forgettin' that the one thing we should know is

Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar

In the mirror is where she comes face to face with her fears
Her own reflection, now foreign to her after all these years
All of her life she has tried to be something besides herself
Now time has passed and she's ended up someone else with regret

What is it in us that makes us feel the need to keep pretending
Gotta let ourselves be

Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar

Don't be scared to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar

It's Perfect.

Taffy at 12:58:00 PM

15 May, 2004

I can't get mad, I can't feel sad, Most of the time I make myself feel happy, and the moment i step into my house i get immensely irritated. Other than that inside i'm quiet.

I can't get mad, I can't feel sad, now that might be a good thing, but not when you are supposed to feel that emotion, and then when you're not supposed to you feel it all the time.At the strangest things.PMS? nah don't think so, been like this most of my life.

it was his birthday a few days ago, 12th may... i forgot all about it, was'nt even at home the whole day...ah tit for tat daddy-o, not that you care any way.

Taffy at 9:52:00 PM

10 May, 2004

Oh Yes One more thing.

If We want A SUCESSFUL production, all those prats out there you bloody as hell come and take part...we're doing this to learn as a gang and bond... it will be fun. it always is,.... just stop thinking of it as a hassle and just join in to gain a little.Or else i might just be tempted to ask to open the acting positions to non-law students.Boo-Yah prats.

And for God's sake if you don't wanna take part the least you could do is at least come and support by watching.

You can atleast do that can't you , you lousy good fer nothings. a.k.a bloody f**kerz?

Oh yea and btw this is a law production which means it belongs to the students, it belongs to us, and if certain things are'nt going to be approved because the lecturers i/c feel that its not what they want they can go screw'em selves.

With regards,
A very pissed off Kay.

Taffy at 8:22:00 PM

Am Back...
And so is MG 2 apparently.. Was asked to put up my personal agenda by the ever dear MX.

And the first thing i did was ananlyse what took place in MG 1.
So what did happen in MG 1?

Alot of shit thats what.

1.There was power struggle
2.Certain Ppl trying to impose their ideas on everyone else{guilty as charged}
3.Alot of cocky shit walking around thinking the world of themselves
4. Too much effort put into it
5. Too much money was spent on the wrong things
6. Too many ppl were involved and not all of them knew enough about their respective fields to be of any use to the entire production.As a result many of them dropped out.It is impossible to involve every one.
7.Too much interference. impulse decisions
8. The misconception that quantity would equate to quality.
9. TOO LITTLE TIME WAS SPENT DOING PROPER PLANNING. so as an end result when you just launch into something without knowing head or tail,everything unravels and you're left with a tangled mess
10. The concept kept changing.
11. Nobody was willing to learn. BIGGEST MISTAKE.
12. It took a millenium for the script to appear and all that while we were still supposed to hold rehearsals, which was a complete waste of everyone's time.
And there were about 35 - 40 ppl involved and it took over 1 1/2 yrs to get the entire show to materialise and the end product was not even up to par... ok this is me being at my most critical.

Now lets compare this to a Dramatec production.

About a month before exams Wendy and the rest of the committee{3 of us. shikin, mel and me} got together to discuss a production.
A while ago someone had suggested "Sing to the Dawn" so we came up with
1.audition dates,
2.dates to write the script just the few of us,
3.Dates for the performance.
Shikin went home to come up with the posters to publicise the auditions. Mel our treasurer, came up with the budget plans, and topped up our make up stores, and wendy immediately arranged for the performance area to be booked.My part was mainly to look out for potential actors and write out additional scenes for the script.we booked the rooms for 8 rehearsals only, and auditions. auditions came and went and we had our cast.Who are extremely forthcoming, willing to learn and LISTEN before they open their GOPS.

The technical aspects of the production would be handled by the Commitee. Mixing of the music would be done by shikin, she came up with posters publicising the play as well. The rehearsals are under way, most of the scenes have been covered and perfected within just 3 rehearsals. and i occasionally meet certain grps of actors to give them one- on - one coaching.Every one is excited and believes in the production and is giving their all.
The props, an actual bridge has been built and some would be borrowed from MAG and taken from our own stores.The progress is amazing and this after just one week. all done by a concentrated group of ppl. 4 in fact.
and within just twenty days we have a production which is actually relatively well-done, and without much hassle, minimal time, maximum effort, 100 percent satisfaction.Plus it looks like it took months to perfect whereas in reality it only took days.Because everyone fulfilled their duty. the actors concentrated on their lines and had them down. AMAZING. Now i am asking the same for MURDER GAME TWO. THis is my AGENDA. Can we fulfill it?

PS: THis is a law minority production *hint*hint*, time we stopped being so high and mighty.

Taffy at 7:45:00 PM

02 May, 2004

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!

Taffy at 11:04:00 PM

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