23 June, 2004


I owe an apology to certain people i have supposedly defamed.
Who are these people?

My lecturers.

Who read my blog.

And read this excerpt about how any lecturer's who want to stand in our way and want to have things done their way in Murder Game can go screw themselves because MG is ours?

Well, This particular Lecturer,read my blog and possibly felt offended by what i said there.Well i would like to tell this particular lecturer that i did'nt erm, realise that my online temper flares would reach that person.And that i did'nt realise that lecturers would be reading blogs, or atleast be sent excerpts from our blog from the TCC.

And people I am not sucking up here when i say that i do truly respect my lecturers, and think that they are very caring and inspiring teachers,LAW & MANAGEMENT would not be what it is if it were'nt for them.Lect., like Miss Ng, Mr.Ferlin, Ms. Lim, and "MUMMY" - Mrs Kurup.Yes, They are Very GOOD teachers whom we all look up to.

What i was trying to say is, LAW is GREAT, but it can be BETTER, or even the BEST if you would just trust the students and let them take risks.

I know sometimes we don't think alot about what we are doing, and are'nt very careful, but the best way to learn is to make mistakes right?(well i know thats debatable, but still...)

And also if the lecturers are visting our blogs, maybe they shd tag and let us know, we would'nt mind giving you guys our frank and brutal feedback to you on our blogs, no holds barred, in a more polite fashion of course.:P Toodlez!!!!!!!!!!

Very Compromisingly,


Taffy at 3:32:00 PM

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