22 July, 2004

 And now... to continue the Singapore story

 Wahahahha poor Nad... having so much trouble giving out her class stuff........ that Ms. Lim Poh Bee ah....... she so cute... "plain english.. plain english!". I love this particular lecturer...

 anyways where was i?

oh ya the singapore story ....

 2) I was using the computer in the Library...when i was approached by a bullish looking Nepalese girl....

Idiot: excuse me .. I booked this computer
Me: Oh ok... but if you did book it , I would'nt be able to use it don't you think....
Idiot: Hmm.. lemme check...(goes off leaving her yukky looking yellow book next to me... as if alraedy claiming the com for herself)
Me: (staring in bewilderment.... surrounding me were atleast a 10 other comp.s which were'nt being used) Wth
 Idiot : (returns) excuse me...
Me: (looking up) What?(not seeing librarian standing next to me)
Librarian: dear, this comp has been booked by her, we've verified...
Me: uh-huh.. ok
Idiot: (looking contemptuous) Sorry
Me: It's ok...(get up, give librarian and her the icy gaze and storm out sulking, giving the idiot a   swift paper cut, with my lab work on the way out.)


THE BLOoDY FOREIGNERS ARE CLAIMING OUR LAND FOR THEIR OWN!!!!They teach in our schools, They serve us our food, They claim citizenship after ten yrs!!!!

And now!!! They take away the only thing we have that nurtures our only resources(ppL).... our places in schools!! and our comps!!!!

This is ludicrous, this is preposterous!!!

I hate this stupid place... I hate this stupid school, and most of all i hate certain vindictive lecturers who try to act cool, and sneak around the students blogs... I used to respect you even if i didn't like some of the things you did or trust you... i respected you... And now i don't even have that for you.



Taffy at 1:18:00 PM

 Because as of today I change my opinion.
Today This SINGAPOREAN.... was stepped on like  a nobody in her own country.
1) Waiting for the taxi...
    Late for Criminal procedure lecture....
    Of course Good manners and proper upbringing will tell you that.. you should always allow
    the person who was there before you to board the taxi first.... Or atleast the  "Kindness campaign " shd have instilled that in you by now...
 And what happened in this  sunny, little island? The polite and courteous bumi putera get stepped on!!!!!!
A bunch of mongoalites, Cut the bloody Queue!!! An entire family !! and the daughter has the audacity to stare at me like I am the scum of the earth!!!
And of course what am i to do but to pick her up by her hair swing her around... wrestle her to the ground and pull the tomb stone "rider" on her, slap her around and call her "Sally", while the neighbourhood aunties stood by and cheered on this Singapore lass!
 No of course that did'nt happen.
Instead i stood by gaping helplessly... Courtesy kills i tell you.
 wait i tell you the next story later.. now i follow nad got to class...

Taffy at 12:34:00 PM

Now for the next story.....

The hide and seek game
Well on Sunday.......... After the granny-from-hell departed, I was busy fiddling with the com.... when.... suddenly........
The dog started barking....
So I looked around for her source of irritation... At first i did'nt see it.. and started to think it was something super natural..(yet again)
Then i saw it....
The goddamn thing was the size of a freaking humming bird man,....... in fact when i saw it... i thought it was a bird...
" Naina !!!!!!!!!!! theres a bird in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The patriarch rushed out and clarified.
It was a moth.
 And like Nad... i began to play hide and seek with it.. with my dog as a partner...

Taffy at 12:27:00 PM

Ok I am back to continue......wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  (that was nad)

 oknoooooooooooooooooooooo( that was nad again)

 ok let me continue properly before;lmuahahahhahahahhahahahhaha(too late)

 God help me i sitting next to a gila monster.....

 well anyway.... it so continued that the louder they got ... the louder i got...

 so it was like {Garblish}
(pack...pack pack.)
 (louder garblish)

(packing frantically)

(even louder yelling)

(packing getting furious)
( Full blast yelling)
And then my father went to send grandma off still yelling.
Yes...  i love my family.... Good night folks.. tune in again for another exciting ep of " My happy Family."

Taffy at 12:11:00 PM

21 July, 2004

 Ah so much i had to blog abt.. but alas all my efforts down the drain due to a certain individual..................................................................................................................................
Never mind... if i try and fail.. i shall try and try again.....
Firstly let me begin with.........
On sunday .. while i was doing the only useful thing i can.. washing dishes...  I got the shock of my life.........
Well wat happened???
 Some one knocked on the door.
 (Before you start thinking that, that is the shock of my life read on.... ppl do knock on my door you know... occasionally... if they don't know i own an insane dog)
My father came out of his bedroom, telling me to answer the door... MY GRANDMOTHER IS HERE... At first i thought my entire family's gone insane... (my maternal grandmother had just passed away a few days ago)... I forgot very conveniently abt the paternal (bastard) Grandmother.It happens when you don't see someone for 5 years.
(add. info. paternal grandma and maternal grand pa = siblings, ergo parents are cousins)
 At first when i looked thru the hole in the door... key hole??? w/e... I did'nt see anyone./.. so i got even more freaked out... Theres no one there... but of course tat was proven untrue .. when my dog rocketted from whichever corner of the house she usually lurks in, howling and growling at the top of her woofy vocals.
I did'nt see anyone because the old lady (and her best friend) are really short...  way below the level of sight.
 So i let them in... they came in sat down... and every one suddenly disappeared to their various corners of the house.. except the dog.. she was busy checking out the strangers...( mum in kitchen), (dad in prayer room) and ( brother at my computer console) And i suddenly so preoccupied with cleaning the house... until dad came and asked me to go converse with that woman... that's when i burst....  ( details shall be excluded).
It seemed like suddenly i was the oracle.." tell the old lady this","tell the old lady that.", " ask her best friend if"... what the hell....
Actually i would have been fine with doing that if  that would have prevented the fight from breaking out... yea while miss kabby booble boo was busy clearing the mass of PETS worksheets( those of you who find that familiar go-- HEY!) from my broter's floor.. i began to here raised voices..
Father: gargle gurgle gool gaer goo( they were speaking in a mix of telungu and hindi i think)
Gm: garydgjfnmf;jf;wjgwjvkvlknvkl.
ME: (Kancheong ready...) pack the worksheets kay... don't leave the room...
will  be continued... have to go for contract... buh bye........

Taffy at 1:32:00 PM

 Erm... minutes ago i just typed  out a very long blog only to have someone come along and switch my computer off.
Yea.. the only thing i could do was to stare at my screen and start laughing...... the poor person helplessly gaped and apologised profusely....... and the entire lab was witness to my insane giggling..............
 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF KAY..................

Taffy at 1:29:00 PM

15 July, 2004


Its a thurs afternoon and what the hell is Kay doing?

She is in Lab three writing her blog................ and waiting and waiting and waiting for Nad................ shes in french right now...........

I realise i just sucessfully spent time with all of my groups of frenz.................................... all in one afternoon one after the other..........................

well it started off with Nad as usual, when We were in Crim pro.. and she asked me to go get a drink wid her frm the canteen... frm across the lt... during breakk... I got up and the next thing i noe she's screeching "omigod!!!! KAY !! you're wearing a SKIRT!!!!" ya... so embarrassed me with LKY's eyes on me dashed out of the lt... after the lec we had brunch... then she had to go for BA.. then it became Sashi and Sinthu cos i caught them as they were going for BA class.... and they found out it got cancelled... so there i was hanging widdem for abt an hour and then NAD came back... and they left to go,... somewhere. and Amin popped up!!! and then after begging us to go to Design canteen wid him which i finally agreed to.... (Nad had grp meeting) so there he was into-ing me left and right to all of his MAG members.. and then i messaged Shahdon to come meet us..........

So after revising a chapter of my Criminal procedure.. we went to the cyber center to get some admin work done.... MAG for Amin and DramaTec for Kay.... then at four they had class... so Amin and Don disappeared........

So i made my way back to the business school. where i met Nad and her grp... not -so-deeply-involved in work. got chased away..... hmph............ but then i made my way to the canteen. and saw Sash. Sin and Lat there. so i sat by listening to their girlspeak.......

(Then i saw the lecturer i so wonderfully insulted in my blog........ I feel so sad... he looks so down... i wonder if i'm the cause... I feel like i just slapped my father or something. hmmmmmmm. oh well.)

I sent the girls off and went back up where I saw... NAZ AND FIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Long time friends and once upon a time classmates/coregrp/caregrp mates... then i hung out there.... so after Fiza left .. Naz and me went to the library.... where we did some research.. then we went to meet Iz.............. and came to the lab......
After a while they left.... and here i am updating my blog... for the edification of the world...wow..

This is pointless.

(wahahahhah. oh no .. i've turned into a particular DHL student.)

Taffy at 6:34:00 PM

you are mediumvioletred

Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.

Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.

Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

Taffy at 3:10:00 PM

14 July, 2004

Oh my god!!!!!!!
I am not the only dumb friend Nad has......


You know what just happened.
so whoever is not supposed to be reading this blog, happens to read it... keep it to your self... cos i know you're reading it.

I, just.............
went to the fifth flr..........................

I was looking for my Accounts class................................

I ran around headlessly looking for my class..... i was'nt abt to miss it this time. not when i FINALLY DID MY HW!!!!!!!

So just when i was hyperventilating and Nad was telling me to calm down... I called Marcus and............

People reading this if you are from my class...... take note of the time this blog was published.

My class starts at three....


Taffy at 2:26:00 PM

13 July, 2004

Am I a bad person?

I feel like i am becoming meaner and meaner inside.I feel like i judge everyone.I also realise i don't hv the right to.

Sometimes its tougher to be mean than it is to be nice.

But in this place only the tough survive, so mean has to be the lingo.No choice.

You gotta figure ppl out, know who they are,knowing your enemy is half the battle won isn't it?

Then again you nvr know who your enemies are, that's why i constantly watch my back, even if its among ppl i am really good friends with, thats why i constantly scrutinise what they say, what they do... and wonder why they do it, and then I "file" it away, not because i wanna hold grudges,but for future reference i guess.

Paranoid? maybe.I'd make a good psycghologist.LOL.

But I know when ppl hide things from me, when they imply things about me or my friends.

You just know when something is off.

I know all my friends are hiding something from me. Something about themselves, they wage their own war inside their heads, even as they stand next to me.Oh well.Everyone has something to hide.Right?Haiz...

Lately i realised this, when you become accustomed to malice you begin to recognise it in others.

Theres plain bitchy and then theres bitchy w/ malicious intent.

I think i can be guilty of both, but the latter is only shown to ppl I know i can very easily hate.
Came very close to doing that to a particular friend of mine.Disguised barbs can be dangerous, especially if i know something about you that you don't know i know.It drives a person crazy wondering if the other person knows.lol.... sounds confusing..

But if i can do that to a friend of mine, does that make the friendship shallow, is that even a friendship? or disguised hate?, only its easier to be friends rather than enemies?

I only know of 1 person I don't have to watch my back with, 2 actually. 1, my dog, 2, Naddy nadnad.

I usually know when ppl are malicious, when they make unnecessary comments, seemingly harmless comments.And i think this friend of mine better watch it before he/she is left with no one to be friends with.If you behave the way you do because you think you don't need any one.Here's a clue, start worrying, cos you thot wrong.

Like Melly said in his blog,

"What is seen on the surface, rarely is the truth.
Nice-ness and apparent talent is but a thin veneer."

And when it comes to who you really are its easy to see thru you, especially when you're surrounded by people like yourself.

We're all not too different, theres always a reason why a grp of ppl stick together, because they're exactly alike.

So there's no point hiding or disguising what you mean.

Cos we see right thru you.

Understand ****** ?

I wish there was'nt so much underground politics btw us.

Taffy at 10:49:00 AM

12 July, 2004

Hello everyone!:D my, my, It sure has been a while since i blogged has'nt it!!! wow well heres an update on my happy life.:P

Maternal Grandmother is dead :O . Mother has lost her mind:O , jabbers to herself, locks herself up in the room and refuses to speak to anyone, occasionally she comes out and seems perfectly normal, then she goes and stands by the window and starts crying.:O

Tells me she wants to go away , she does'nt like us apparently, same thing she's told me since i was five, no suprise.-_-'

Then she turns around and says if she goes then we'll be left all alone, she sounds a whole lot like Golem actually. :O

First she hollers, then talks to herself, then scolds.As usual father is responsible, comes up with irritating theories about positive thoughts and negative thoughts, and how mum is filled with negative thoughts.-__-"

And how he has to surround himself with positively minded ppl to be sucessful(i say! you selfish bastard) and acts as if mum has no right to behave that way, will have to find a way to kill him.9perhaps hiding his heart medication would do the trick?Suggestions anyone?? Feel free to tag :D)

O yes and i have to give my dog away before my mother kills it by kicking it to death. Aikes! nearly forgot this exciting piece of news! my brother nearly landed him self in a juvenile delinquency institute on Saturday.I wonder if the social service has gotten wind of this. hmmmm.

Orientation was a hit and caught the last few songs in " Jam and Hop".There, something to be happy about.Hope i'm not exaggerating to make myself seem attention wanting or pathetic*Smiles sadly*.Now that would be bad,very bad. Good Day *waves merrily*

*Must put happy things like this in my blog more often.:D

Taffy at 10:33:00 AM

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