24 August, 2004

School term seems to be coming to an end. A peaceful end. Lessons don't seem like such a bore anymore.

i wonder why?

life seems almost perfect suddenly, if you blot out the ugly parts that is.

hmmm... it can't be, this is too good to be true. too easy.

i wonder why.

Oh yes did i mention? there is a possibility that there will be a fencing team in the near future in school, as well as a water sports team. and i am joining hockey. Bertie mentioned, that there is a debate club in the works.

Argh. DRAMATEC..... i really wonder where we're headed with our coregrp...
and i still need to :

- ready the script for release
-do casting
- go and speak to mr sonny lim abt the dance sequences, i need to e-mail him. i don't dare call.
-go and gather materials and props
- speak to the other pres about borrowing their ppl and things.
- ensure that the proposal did not bounce back.
- go and book book book.
- find the energy to direct and the patience
- pray like mad that i'm not going to india this year.
- schedule the screening of DEVDAS
- structure a schedule for us to follow. i'm going to do that now.
- screw i also need to meet the other pres from the other polys.
- alamak, i also need to go and find the remaining ppl to whom DT owes money for STTD. supposed to be my freaking ex-treasurer's/secretary's job....
- and i took a look at the notice board,the mask i asked them to put up to hide those ugly staple pins, is not there. i saw it in the cupboard while we were cleaning it up. i'm not going to say a thing.
- and DT crew's training session are being cancelled one after the other cos they're not prepared or don't know what to do- need to speak to the head.
-and i feel that some of my comm feel;s neglected- especially my current treasurer- sorry shuhan. my QM wants to take the back seat in the prod, cos he needs to work. i understand that of course.
- proj. "x" needs work.


I need to meet my people.

Taffy at 7:36:00 PM


Just finished my grp meeting. Our 999th one. when we have our 1000th one, we're gonna do something different, just to celebrate you know?

yea we want to do something radical and different.

.i'm thinking we have to go all out. Something like..oh i don't know

editting slides??


Finally Shannon is acting like a man. He's taken over leading the grp. Didn't know he had it in him. Well atleast someone is making rational decisions, cutting down slides, editting english and excessive word usage that would have made P.B.'s recently dyed hair wither and turn grey.

Goodness gracious me.

Taffy at 7:25:00 PM

19 August, 2004

I really sound like a bimbo in my previous post... Blardy hell... Grr. nvm.. Ray of sunshine i shall be . tra la la.

this weekend.. i am going to do the girliest things ever.

1) Go get a facial
2) Go do something different with my hair
3) Get loads of sleep
4) Go shave my legs
5) Get my mummy to restart me on that detox program she keeps goin on and on about..
6) Revise Crim Pro- I actually like it. maybe even get down to finding cases.
7) Finish my Psycho quizzes
8) revise accounts again- go get those articles that woman was talking about
9) Get down to doing my OP speech thing
10) Finish doing my groups slides
11) Start on my contract opinion
12) Start studying for my Psycho test
13) Get batteries for my calc.

* I suddenly realise from 6 onwards my priorities turned back to school- come to think of it must organise main comm meeting soon, hmm. have to meet for proj. X.. dum di dum dum.. hope they're still up for it..*

oh yea..

14) revise contract-- alamak i have no life.. that's it.. Terry expect my call... we're going out. I need to get away from school- every day of my life i'm in school.. even during holidays!!!

Taffy at 3:27:00 PM

-Somethin' special 'bout you..
I already like you..
Not alot of guys are worth my time.-
Alicia keys, Diary, You Don't Know My Name

Hmm, some one special in my life?

We'll see how "special" exactly is special.

Time to get serious and settle down?

If the time is right... At the moment got enough going on.

Or should i just go ahead anyway?

What the heck right.. Theres no time like the now time.

You know, its a bad idea to post this.. but i'll do it anyway.

This morning in the canteen, after crim pro lecture, we were in the canteen, going over the latest hot Goss ( Aiyoh! so girly- Can't stand it! *shivers*).. when Azi said something about knowing when someone likes someone else.
So Nad was like, "So tell us, who does Kay like?"

Thing is- i didn't say it then but, Kay does like someone, no one you know, but yes, there is someone.. Hahaha i sound so mysterious.And yes, its a guy.

For now... I shall safely stay away from lurve and and all of its temptations, cos every time one falls in love- one's heart will fall to the flr with a wet thump. So i refuse to say it, i refuse to say i've fallen again- *heart falls to flr with wet thump*. Grrr.

I am gonna ring up me best friend, and ask him to take me out... HERE I COME moo-moo...he's been my bud since sec sch... gotta catch up with him, fun dude... lame, but fun nonetheless... and my cousin too- P.J. seems we all go by initials now. LOL.

Poor dear, sick at home eh?, It being the hols too.. sucks.. nvm, been there done that... you'll get thru it. Even if your brother is home too...

Love the world Kay.. Love the world...Atta gurl! Fun, peace and laughter- No more moody teenager ok?? Broody doesn't work for gurls... I will be a ray of sunshine. Ta-da..!!! *beams at the world*. * World puts on sunglasses*. Grrr.

Harrrrrrrrr.......oh here i go, here i go..... thinking bout that dude again.. seems like he never leaves my head, 1st person i think of in the morning and last person i think of in the night hmmm.. we'll see where it leads..

-And I swear on my mother and father
It feels like.. ooooooooo...-

K. @------ XoXoX

Taffy at 12:28:00 PM

17 August, 2004


More often then not i think most ppl hate me.

Did you know that? must be some weird ass complex... yes Kay everyone is out to get you. wahahhahahha....

I actually get suprised when i find out that they don't hate me... or atleast are not indifferent towards me.... and that they actually like me. complexity in a nut shell.

Nut case. i wanna go home.

Maybe its because... because I actually do dislike/criticise alot of ppl,... and don't really show it? Hypocrite. It's time i start loving ppl for who they are.... Am already practising with friends and family, lol.

Yea daddy-o always says,

"You judge a person, with yourself set as a standard."

And what are my standards? hmmm.... time to define' em.

Taffy at 6:48:00 PM


What the hell am i gonna talk about?

I'm gonna talk about sincerity.


Either you have it or you don't?

Or shd it be either you are or you're not.?

I know a teacher who is obviously sincere.. and then a couple who are not...

Ah insincerity.. you can spot a mile away.. same goes for sincerity. you just know it when you see it.


There update ready, happy??????????

Taffy at 5:54:00 PM

06 August, 2004


Yep have got a major update for all my avid blog readers... numero uno...


Yep... on wednesday afternoon... there i was innocently packing away all my stuff... getting ready for a glorious 2 week break , when i got the chills. brrr... yep..

So i snuggled into bed to prevent myself from turning into Frosty the Snowman and blissfully fell asleep... approximately 3 hrs later, i awoke only to feel like i'd developed the incredible ability to breath fire... so i took my temperature.

It was quite interesting... the thermometer started off with 37'c








43.5...... BEEP BEEP BEEP..

H __


If i was a cartoon character i imagine the bulb would have burst.(come to think abt it the sign qite looks like the middle finger)

So my father after having received a mighty shock proceeded onto calling... you won't believe this ...

The SARS hotline. mmhmmmm... why? because he had the very same fever only very much milder... and he started showing signs of it when he came back from the airport...

So of course paranoid me called up Nad and warned her just incase it did turn out to be something.. and told her to do me favour and tell the other two... i mean i don't wanna see my name on the top of those tree branch thingies Straits Times came up with ... when the epidemic broke out.. And this time instead of Esther Mok it would be me Kabetha Bai Ramkumar.Argh.

Oh well... so much for the efficiency of our health care workers.. no one answered... i wonder why he didn't call the normal ambulance.

Anyways in order to get me to the hospital would require me taking public transport. So next best alternative? The nearby clinic.

And there what happened? we were scooted to a room immediately, and were "labelled", from there we were scooted to the doctor's office, where she gingerly examined us, careful not to touch us. At one point she asked me to open my mouth, she took one look and she immediately said" ok that's fine thank you" .. she didn't even turn on her torch thingy. Bleh.

Well it was tedious check up... although i don't know how it qualifies.. she barely checked anything.. After which she took long pauses to think and then wrote out the prescription... bimbo.

Well anyway, she gave us a truck load of medication, and sent us home... weee ooooooh......For a moment there i actually thought i was gonna be hospitalised. My vision was beginning to blur... :P
So when i got home the first thing i did was to call Nad and tell her all clear... but of course now i realise i shouldn't have bothered at all in the first place,.. because i only got ridicule in return.. oh well...

dumdidumdidum...well wid de almighty's grace everythin worked out fine.

Taffy at 10:30:00 AM

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