30 April, 2005

Photos from Pentas....

Take a peek...

the performance was good.. i enjoyed it tremendously.... I have to say... arts is enjoyable regardless of what language it comes in...

The only fault i can pick is some of the artistes don't seem to realise that every moment they're on stage, all eyes are on them and they must smile and look involved...

other wise... i must say well choreographed, well-directed.. well done AMIN!!!

I can't believe they forgot to say his name... lol... well that is until i screamed it out loud. lol...

THEN they remembered, sang him a birthday song, carried him on their shoulders, and then beat him up.

well spent off day.

Taffy at 1:17:00 AM

29 April, 2005

Check mate

Aiight, so yesterday i was the server, day before that, i was greeter.

It wasn't exactly the bomb.

However Rosy sent us home saying it was kick-ass shift we had.

Apparently she was wrong.

Cos yesterday when we reported, we got a blasting from her, for every single thing we forgot.

Ap and i guessed that she must had one from the sinister Boss-man.

Figures. And apparently, the greeter had the most faults. that. Would be me.

Shit hole was obviously keeping an eagle's eye on me.

Today he tried to pull one on me again. Happily enough, i wasn't the greeter- who's main functionin to bring people in, to the table, serve menu, remove excess cutlery, rattle off SIRP, and send people out.

But unfortunately for her, Mini, was it. First day on the job after, attending her granda's funeral. poor kid was kinda lost.

Any hoo, i had her back.

Cause i heard the Boss man call for Rosy and say " who's the greeter?" while looking at me. poor bitch obviously thought i was it.

Oh no. Not again you don't
i got your game this time bitch. you ain't gonna get any one of us this time around.
So off i went to warn Mini, and help her with her duties.

So at the end of the day. Minimal mistakes maximum in your face happiness. I am a happy babe.

*Takes her bows*

Taffy at 1:50:00 PM

Forget Lawyer.


I want to have the coolest job in the world when i grow up.

Bartending is farking cool babes.

The guy in T2 is THE coolest barman i have ever come across, apart from Tom Cruise in "COCKTAIL".

The way he moves, the way he talks... Geez, cool just donned a whole new set of clothing for me and it comes in the form of a Fish and Co, barman.

Anyhoo, last night was kind of slow, thursday night, whaddya expect?
Everytime i passed the cool dude to go type in my order, he would hang his head near the wooden frame and go -" please tell me they ordered drinks....."

Unfortunately for him, the seniors were out on parole, apparently, from having to look after the grandkids, and they all needed warm water to pop the pills.

He seemed to be caught in a slump until he called me over in his husky, oh-so-sexy voice and said - " K, you think you can help me upsell a frozen Magarita?"

Hell yes. I can sell ice to an eskimo. hehehe.

So off i went equipped with the fact that Strawberry Magarita is the best tasting one.

I spot a table with a very lovely looking lady.


" Hi guys! Can i recommend you a Frozen Magarita?"

" Yes! of course we serve alcohol, we have a full bar!, you look like a strawberry person.. shall i get you a strawberry magarita ma'am? excellent... How about you sir, magarita for you? no? How about wine then?"

" Yes? white wine? excellent! no,no you're not boring, wine's for classy people, you a classy man sir!"

So off i went bearing two orders for my cool man.. yipee!!

And then....

I sent off Julie to go look after my station, and i settled near the bar to watch him in action.

Good lord, people keep talking about poetry coming to life- poetry in motion?

For me this was it.

The way he grabbed the Martini glass ( It looked like one) and looked at it against the light for stains, then proceeded on to rubbing the edge with lime, shaking salt onto a saucer, and carefully tracing it along the edge of the glass... and then he got down to making the drink, the way he flipped the bottles, like as if they defied gravity. squirt here, squirt there... then topped of with ice and strawberry flavouring... even the blending was beautiful.

I was staring in wonder until he put the glasses down in front of me , and gave me that one sided smile, and sent me off.

Bartending. Here i come.

Taffy at 1:17:00 PM

28 April, 2005

Your dating personality profile:

Funny - You laugh often. People never accuse you of lacking a sense of humor. You don't take yourself too seriously.
Religious - Faith matters to you. It is the foundation that you build your life upon. You trust that God has a plan for you.
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Your date match profile:

Funny - You consider a good sense of humor a major necessity in a date. If his jokes make you laugh, he has won your heart.
Religious - You seek someone who is grounded in faith and who possesses religious values. You believe that a religious person can enhance your life.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Funny
2. Religious
3. Liberal
4. Outgoing
5. Big-Hearted
6. Adventurous
7. Practical
8. Intellectual
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Traditional
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Funny
2. Religious
3. Practical
4. Shy
5. Conservative
6. Intellectual
7. Adventurous
8. Traditional
9. Romantic
10. Big-Hearted

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

Taffy at 12:49:00 AM

27 April, 2005

Low risk heart attack

MYat is a myanmmarese girl, who's come to work at Fish and Co., the managers felt that since she 's not very adept at any of the stations, therefore they could only place her in Pantry.

See, Myat's not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree lighting.

She has this constant look of blur sotongness, and sometimes her eyes are even glazed over.

I'm not trying to be mean. i like her really, she's real small and frail looking.

And there have been occasions that Azi, and the two ( Tania and i) of us have had to help her out.

For example, Azi, who lives quite close to her was busy explaining to her at like close to midnight what her tenancy lease meant. Dear Az, always to the rescue.

And every once in a while we have to help her when working, and explain things to her so she gets it, Shes from TP by the way * NOTE: Almost every one who works in FISH AND CO. is either from Tp, going to TP, or has graduated from TP, if not has dropped out from there*

So yesterday after spending a good ten-fifteen minutes searching for her bag, and making frantic calls to Tania to see if she remembered where Myat left her bag. We finally left the store, me feeling a tad irritated, since Tania made it clear that it wasn;t her who put Myat's bag behind the shirts in a cupboard under the cable area. Geez. Myat put it there herself and then promptly forgot.

So while we were walking towards the bus station, Myat suddenly said " You have a good heart."

For a moment there i thought she was querying in the medical sense.

Until it smacked me like a speeding MRT train that she was saying it as a compliment.


Then she said, that she liked Azi, Tania and me, cause we are very nice and have good hearts. that we always help her.

Wow, i nearly cried. No one has ever said that to me with so much sincerity.

I really didn't know what to say to that, except thank her for thinking so.

I felt really guilty for getting irritated with her. Bloody conscience.

We continued walking when Julie and an another Girl who's name i cannot remember joined us.

I looked at Myat, and started wondering if she was alright cause, she doesn't exactly look all too happy.

So i asked why she was so sad.

I think i've must be the first person who's ever asked her taht, I don't think the rest of her friends even care. Why i say that? Cos the minute i asked taht question, the other two went, " Aiyoh myat's not sad, she's just very quiet always quiet, Not sad la"

Chee Bai, i think Myat looked even sadder when they said that.

So i persevered.

At first she held back saying she didn't know how to say it. So i gave my classic making ppl spill reply about how it helps to speak to strangers and that it helps.

she asked- "YOu will help me?"

Bloody... i felt like i was suddenly in some Vietnam War movie.

" Yea if i can, i will"

Then she started with her story about she defied her parents to come her, and that shes having alot of problems here, problems with her room mate etc. I never got to hear the end of her story cause, her bus was there, and some Law inc member called me to get me to organise a bloody performance for law Week and to get the no. of the prod crew ppl. Argh.


Anyways,Since i have been exalted to such a level i have to live up to it. Hope i can.

People like that jolt me into remembering what's important. Some people don't see it. I'm glad ive seen and heard enough movies to believe in the right things. WAHahha.

Seriously people fight over the most ridiculous of things. Stuff like boyfriends and petty shit. That bloody pisses me off. At the end of the day. Its the people that matter, and if they're good people, and they ever meant anything to you. you would care for them no matter what.

Everytime a problem blows up in your face, and you feel like thats the end of the world, just think, about all the other problems the world face, about the million other children who die every year because of malaria. A wise Man told me that. I try to do it.

Lol. Anyway, main moral is. I was having a bit of dilemma abt careers, cause i felt that becoming a lawyer is the most dirtiest job ever.

But looking at what azi did for Myat, and all the various other things we've been doing for people lik her, i realise Law has another side to it as well. Pro Bono work, Charity. Helping people like Myat. Maybe for people like that its worth it. Hmmm....

Oh heck i'm just getting sentimental cause someone complimented me. Chee bai. good bye.

Taffy at 1:51:00 PM


After failing our verification test, Azi, Tania, and i set off to console ourselves with lunch.

While walking we were merrily chatting about something and somehow or other came to the topic about celebrities.

K: you know when celebrities go overseas they;re nobodies.

the other two: make agreeing noises.

K: And if they're actually nobodies elsewhere, but quite well known here, then..... we're less than NOBODIES la!!!

(Shocked by discovery)

Both: *Give me a here she goes again look*

K: OMIGOD!!! we're even worse than nobodies!!!

Azi: *Gives patient look* Yes Kay. but i know you.

K: But you're a nobody, it doesn't matter if you know me!!!!

* Mumbles to herself*

we crossed the road,

head towards the MRT in silence.

K: I need to think about this.

Both: *start laughing*

Walau, this was serious ok, i've never been a nobody before. Or actually i've always been a nobody, just that i didn't realise it. Walau.

I need to think about this. This is serious.

The three of us walk to a money changer to change sing dollars to pounds

The money changer gives us a cannot be bothered look and tells us he's run out of pound notes.

we walk away marvelling at the fact a money changer doesn't have pound notes.

K: Thats like Fish and co, having no .... *Thinks of something that would be ridiculous for us not to have*

Tania: *tries to be helpful* Fish?

K: YEa!...NO!!!!....Don't be stupid la, that will never happen.More like chips.

Tania: *Gives disgruntled look*

K: You know what...maybe thats not really the old man's shop, maybe it belongs to his son, and he's trying to chase away customers by telling them he's run out of notes, because he hates his son, and wants the business to fail, cause the son.... *Trails off* what?

Tania: You really should stop watching Bollywood.

Chee bai.

Father after getting angry with my brother over his school work.

Father: What's the minimum age for working at Fish and Co ah?

K: 16 I think.

Father: Good your brother can start working there, soon.

K:minimum requirement an IQ higher than the fish.

Father: Hmmm.... then i don;'t think he can work there.


Brother on taking brain boosters

Bro: you know taking the brain boosters doesn't make me feel smart, it makes me feel dumb.

Father: GOOD! atleast now you feel it! that's an improvement!

K: *Snorts soup out through her nose*

Taffy at 1:10:00 PM


Fishy Tales

We were at Terminal TWO Fish and co. when there was a blackout.

The following conversation takes place in the dark:

Sharm: Quick! grab all the bottles you can and run for it!
K: *laughs*
Tania: Don't be stupid la, i rather grab the Plasma TV.
Sharm: Lets see how far you get carrying that.
Tania: Don't be stupid la(Tania's favourite phrase) I'll obviously get the two of you to help.
K & Sharm: *Make agreeing sounds*

Lights come back on.

I turn and i spot my manager giving us a very funny look.

As all of you know, me and the big boss didn't exactly get off on the right foot. *seems to me no one else is either, will blog about the Wet run later*

So, anyways Naz my man, made me go serve his table a starter consisting of oyster (1/2 dozen)
and one of the requirements is taking the pepper mill along with you, and tobasco sauce.

K: May i know whos having Fresh oysters? ( I know , they make us say cheesy stuff like that all the time, " so fresh it slept in the sea bed last night.!" Go figure.) *Sets oysters down on table*

Would you like some pepper with that sir?

*He nods*

* Kay happily turns the pepper mill* No pepper seems to be appearing

Chee bai.

*Gives Boss-man sheepish smile ala Mr. Mathavan*

* He takes Pepper Mill From me, turns it, and says-

"Theres no Pepper inside, * i already figured that much out* "

K: Oh,*Gives smile again ala timid rabbit* *grabs Pepper mill from him and makes a dash for it after stuttering her apologies*

K: *Hides in the safety of the runner station*

I don't think he likes me very much.

Two whole line platters come out, and me and Tania were asked to serve it to our director Lina, A very pretty Lady, who seems almost like an angel

*Puts on Kiddie voice*

"When i grow up i want to be just like her!"

So we happily set off to the table, and display our wonderful serving skills.

Only to hear- "We didn't order that"

Tania and i Simultaneously turn to one another and go - "HUH?"

So the entire night was filled with mess-ups like that, even though there was a major conspiracy going on.Haiyoh, try to pull of somethig to impress the bosses, and this happens.

Taffy at 12:46:00 PM

26 April, 2005


Unfortunately at times, i tire of myself.

exciting as i am. heh.

If boredom had an epitome, that would be me.

All i ever do is, involve myself in directing some performance or other, Yesterday my committee and i cleaned up our cupboard, and removed our set material and excess costumes from our TAC Big Store.

And we "decorated" our cupboards and tidied up our area so well, that this morning i got a message from someone saying that the decor looks great. lol. Big Yay. I feel more Mary Sue than ever.

And two hours from now, i'll heading off to work at the Airport.

I don't seem to be doing anything useful...

People go for Dance classes, and singing classes, or music classes to pick up some instrument or other. Or even go off to work in theatres, picking up skills.

And me?

I keep making a promise to go learn more about the arts but i never seem to get around to doing it. I seem to be stuck in some plateau doing the same darned things over and over again...

like, conducting crew/cast training, and a bunch of other CCA related things.

I make resolutions to join some sports or something, but again never seem to go and enrol in it.

If i really want to involve me self in the arts i have to start increasing my knowledge and talents in that area, LEARN from some one... for a change.

It's been, God knows how many years since i've been on stage. I went backstage ever since i came to TP, i love it there, Cause thats where the real action takes place... seriously, its the most fun ever. Adrenaline pumping. Swear words flying left and right, just to keep things going, laughing at each other through the intercom headphones, having weird conversations that only the control room and backstage knows about, while the audience and actors are so wrapped up in the story.

You get a feel of what it feels like to be God, being the one who gets to decide when the lights go on/off, curtains close/open, music goes on... also the pressure is there cos you got to be alert lest you screw up.

At some points it becomes second nature, you no longer have to listen to what the actors are saying, you just go by timing.

WOW. Alright it rocks to be me.

But at the same time, i find myself wishing i could perform at times, and lead a carefree lifestyle, just coming to rehearsals, organised by some one else...

but no, responsibility calls... and i love doing it too.


when did i get so gratingly responsible???

what happened to my all weekend staying out to paint the town red?

What happened to all my hare-brained schemes?

What happened to being a kid?

Now when i listen to my "punks" talk, i at times feel irritated at their immaturity.

What the hell... when did i get so revolutionary like - *joining youth PAP, UNICEF.*?

How did all this happen without my knowledge?

How come i grew up??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO........


maybe i should pick up a couple of bad habits just to keep things interesting.

Me, hrm... i'll just have settle for now...

Taffy at 2:57:00 PM

23 April, 2005


Where has my poem gone.
Yenge Anadhu Kavidhai.

I think this guy is brilliant.

He's made me appreciate the one language i always hated. Majorly because of the way its spoken, by the local Tamils.

Maybe after i'm done learning Hindi, and Proper Telugu and Malayalam, i'll venture into that.

They made some of his poetry into songs in a movie called Kandukondain, Kandukondain. Brilliant.

It had a Mix of Bollywood actors (aishwarya, taboo) and Southern screen( abbas, ajit) and Eastern screen actors (mamooty) in it. I think those are their names.

And the songs ? beautiful. No trash.

TP's ICG is gonna have its event soon. lol...Hana and i had some suggestions for them, but they seem keen on delivering to what the majority audience wants. which is basically..... well.. ghana songs a.k.a. trash. oh well.

IF, we really got around to forming our own ICG, with real C in it. (culture) it would be so great man. My target members would be anyone who is interested in Indian culture not just indians. And our main objective would be to bring Indian culture to others in a way that they can appreciate it, and give it class.

It would probably be segmented the way the current ICG is, only maybe more sectors.

- cultural
- Modern

- I'd do more stuff like Devdas probably, Stuff from our history- Asoka, Ramayana, Mahabaratha., OOOOo Bharathiyar.

- cultural
- modern , but nice songs only.

- Hey Indian Art is nice!!!

* INDIAN FOOD!!! (yay)
- OMG, i think this section is easy, just visit Northern, Southern, and eastern indian Food stores.


Everyone seems to be in it anyway. lol, why not us indians.

- Sanskrit
- Indian languages Classes

Yeah, doing useful stuff instead of following what indian cinema does. that ain't culture babes. thats modern crap. go revise 1. your name, 2. your objectives.


Every ICG i've seen is like that. WTH, which is why certain indians just give up on them or go eeeeeeeeeeewwww when we talk abt icgs.I mean nowadays when you wanna learn classical anything you have to go to Fine Arts Academy. Which costs you a fucking arm and leg to attend classes there. Shouldn't school groups be the one advocating stuff like that, and harnessing real talents in culture?

Other wise when people think Indian Culture they're gonna think KUMAR in a Cooking show. Whereas i prefer to think of Indian culture like Aishwarya Rai in Devdas, Beautiful.

PLEEEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE do something about the state of affairs in ICG. Or the name of indians everywhere is gonna go down down down.

Thank you.

Taffy at 4:10:00 PM

22 April, 2005

Demons and angels

I felt like i was five again. The same tensed up feeling. The same heavy feeling inside my chest. The same cold sweat. The same straining to listen for the slightest hint of trouble that would send me hurtling out of bed just throw myself on his back. To keep her from getting hurt.

13 years down the road you would think things would change.

That someone who's almost 50 would take more responsibility for himself. And not blame every bad thing that happens to him on someone else. Especially if you brought it upon yourself by drinking something you know you can't. Did you stop to think about your heart problem? What if you died?

The retching sounds outside are scary, like a dinosaur, like a demon. Sometimes i wonder if thats what you are.
Even Lucifer thought himself a God.

There was a great crashing sound from the kitchen. He broke the toilet sink. Excellent. And that became her fault too.

A cut on the head, a cut on the leg.

I stayed there. Couldn't move. At times like this. I become 5 again. Only the tears seems to find a way out. For her.

For taking all the insults, and cleaning up after him. And bearing his weight.

My angel. Not a bad bone in her body, and yet. She has to be put through all of this. I wonder.

I wonder.

How long this will go on.

Taffy at 11:13:00 PM

Someone Going Some where to be somebody.

Every once in a while you get a sudden whack in the face from reality that you're not really anybody in the big scheme of things.

Times when like the owner of Fish and Co. yells at you for something you so obviously did not do, but had to take the flak for and accept it anyway, or be fired.And everyone tells you to accept simply because he is the Cahuna, The Big Fish.

You suddenly realise that you're probably just a pawn, who can be used to feed the ego of the big, mighty and rich. Some how rarely Good-looking.

I mean this is so rampant.

For a Semester i hung out around a group, amongst whom , if you didn't have looks, money, prestige, or super grades, you were no one.

It started back when i was in primary school and people used to compare their homes.

Materialism, prestige, wealth, good-looks.

Right. It is harder for a rich person to get to heaven then it is for a rope to get through the eye of a needle.

We'll see.

Sometimes i like to prove these people wrong, that i just choose to be this way. I do.

There are even times i go out of my way to sabotage myself. And i really wonder why.

Prime Example - that stupid Talentime, held by business Studies Club

Singapore Idol. My BA2 exam.

And i strangely feel happy when i know i'm setting myself up for a fall. Am i weird or what?

Its just that i don't see the point. Of doing well. Unless i want it. Unless i'm proving someone wrong.

Right now, i see what moves.

MONEY talks. Money makes the world go round.

Being the top, gets you to places.

For awhile i wanted that.being the best, being the top, going places, and i got there, whenever i wanted it. i wonder what happened along the way.

I guess it just doesn't hold my interest long enough.


However right now its got my interest again. we'll see.


My brother's got some heart problem. This is the third time he's having fever this month. His heart beats so fast when he sleeps. It's scary. I almost stopped breathing when i heard that he's got something wrong with the heart. Mainly cause his nails have turned colour- first symptom. they're so purple they're almost black.

Please let him be alright.


Taffy at 10:43:00 PM

19 April, 2005


That's what my mind's telling me now.

Leave it all behind. Go away somewhere else.

Just get away from this place called home.

You've done it once before. Just Go.

There's only so much insulting i can take.

Only so much hate.

Seriously i managed to turn today's Thrashing-Kabetha session into a laugh, previously you know something would have gone flying, and breaking.

You know it.

And you know why i did it? Cause i made a promise, to respect, to honour and to uphold what you say.To God.

I know sometimes i can be dismissive. But compare this to what i was before. Tyrannical, screaming the house down, running away, refusing to eat, slamming doors, screaming non-stop in your face.Slapping you even.

Yea i did.

Of course i can be better.

I really dun know how to please you. You said work, i am. You say pay for everything, i am.

You say, i do.

I try really hard to build a relationship with you, but i can't.

I don't understand you.

YOu live on a completely different plane of existence. In a make-believe world.

And at this age you are insecure. At this age, you live in this secret world of i really dunno what to say.

Oh my God.

Do you realise that you've spent most of your life making life miserable for all four of us?

Firstly, it was beating mummy up, almost everyday. If you dropped a cup, it was her fault, cause she wanted you to drop it.

That time you dropped your beer on the bed, bloody hell, it became her fault, cause she told you not to drink. And then... well you know what followed.

Theres no such things as feelings for you. Nobody can be trusted. NOBODY. Not even me.

I really wonder what made you this way. I admit your own family is full of despicable people. But do you have to blame it on us?

I am really in amazement as to what made me turn out the way i did.

I could have done drugs, started seriously smoking, drinking, Clubbing. The way Janesh has.

Could have followed my dreams.

I had the opportunities.

Dreams, i just tell myself i don't want it anymore. Tell myself, its futile, don't waste your life on them. But its only now i realise i actually have already wasted much of my life on things i don't want to do.

But no matter what i do, i never seem to do anything you can be proud of, and even if i did, it'll be because of you.

I think of the the things you put me through, there may have been people who have gone through worse, but some of it is a tad unimaginable, and horrible. That if i were to tell other people i don't think they'll look at me the same way again.

I've proffessed to hate you many times, but you know what i don't. I actually must love you very much, if i am this affected.

I wish i could either die, or just go away. I wish i really was the bubbly girl that everyone seems to see. The director in school, the chirpy, irritating friend, or the Smart Alec with a million opinions.

I wish life could be easy, but its not.

i'm tired of life. Tired of being who i am. Doing the things you want me to. TIRED, and hopeless, and full of tears i can't shed.

I'm also angry, at the way i have to live. Not knowing where i'm going.

I don't want to receive any bloody tags or comments abt this entry.

Yea i'm putting it up here so you can see how pathetic i can get, how bloody upset with life, but it'll pass. It always does.

It'll have to right? Maybe you're wondering why i'm even putting this up? Cause i don't care.

Here i am back in depressville. For the THird time in my life. Do you know what this feels like.??

YOu think i'm just talking like some attention seeking teen?

Fuck i can't even type properly.

but hell i'm going to say this.

Its time i just stopped trying. And slid into the fucking pit. I don't feel like talking any more.

I don't feel like explaining myself anymore. I don't feel like smiling, unless i'm at work or something- cause then i have to.

I'll wake up every morning and face the world cos i have to.

do everything cos i have to have to have to.

Go away

just go away

all of you

don't talk to me anymore

i think i'll just go away for awhile till im alright.

go away.

I Can't convey how much i hate this. I hate this.

Taffy at 1:44:00 AM

18 April, 2005


the studious student. You are definitely pressured
and suffer from side effects from built up
stress. You are constantly occupying yourself
with books, studies, or some other hobby. You
feel squeezed in place and have litte movement.
Most of the time you are busy with work and
family, and would love to spread your wings and
relax. One like you needs to find a certain
time of the day to just sit and release the
tension. However, you are doing fairly well in
school, but that does not mean that you can
continue stressing yourself out. Take a
breather and head out with some friends.

You can consider going into a field like
librarian, politician, journalist,
Archeologist, scientist, or lawyer. You have a
brain...NOW USE IT....but please...spare
yourself the pressure and create some down time
for yourself. Or develop a hobby that releases
tension, such as knitting (it worked wonders
for me)

What type of teenager are you?
brought to you by

Taffy at 12:56:00 AM

17 April, 2005

The Goddess of Magic and Peace. You are a born
star. Always supportive and influential, you
the centre of attention and you are
exceptionally friendly. You are a classic

Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Taffy at 12:21:00 AM

16 April, 2005


Got back home from training today with the intention of coming back home to study, but just as i reached home, got a message from Hana asking if i would like to go Mr. J's performance at sub-station, since the price had been reduced.

I gave it a thought.

Decided to go.

Nothing to do anyway, 'sides studying.

So after much sms- ing, and confirmation, it was decided that Hana and I meet at City Hall at 6.45.

6.45. CITY HALL. I was there. I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

ANNNNND waited.

7.24 p.m..

Kan Cheong ready.

I spot many people i know in the Train station, so i finally lose face and walk up to one of them asking to borrow a cell. *i brilliantly left mine at home*

I borrowed Aaron's phone. He's from my church. A couple of GM people were arnd but don't really know them all that well.

Called Hana, she sounded as if she was in tears. Apparently she was worried, and was already in SUBSTATION, had sent me msg saying she would be taking taxi there.

So i basically got my ass out of there pronto.

And got myself into deeper into Longkang filth.

See the few times i had been to SS, was with other people, and althoiugh i had gotten instructions from Haze, i was clueless.

I approach other people, who either shrug or promptly point me towards the train station which i had just emerged from, they all seemed to think i was a tourist. There was a lady who was so concerned she took me by my arm and started leading me back to City Hall, She seemed to think i meant SUB-WAY.I am pretty used to this actually, i tend to speak clear english and pronounce my words, some people call it an accent, i call it speaking properly. And plus theres the fact that i don't look all that local. Been described as Brazillian, Jamaican, Egyptian, African-american, basically anything but Indian.

I once used to work in the Airport, and had to wear formal, so i had trouble finding the train station *that's right mock me* and i nearly got ushered into the Departure hall cause thats where i was "supposed" to be.

So anyways i found my way there, of all people a KopiTiam Ah-soh knew where it was. I got in, watched both the plays. The first one had PriyaLatha Arun- quite funny. Second had Mr. Ferlin.

Well, one word to sum it up. DEEP. Very DEEP.

At the end of the play, apparently it is Theatre custom for the audience to be served Tea by the performers, so Mr. Ferlin came to serve us, and he introduced us to someone, i'm not quite sure who exactly he is, but i like him already, even though he was a tad bit weird saying stuff to Me like " You must be one of the brightest students, look very intelligent, very sharp eyes." It stuff that makes you go - well how did you know? Is my genius showing? here let me push it back. Lol, Actually i was more like wtf, what do you want?

And he made us take pictures for him. Because we're students. .... don't ask, i don't know.

We also met Subha in the audience and she only just realised how tall i am. lol. We talked for a while and had a narrow escape from being coerced into drinking more tea, yes i refused tea, now pick that jaw of the floor before someone steps on it. The bloody tea has to be the worst i've tasted thus far. Cat's piss would have been better.

Well, that's all the excitment for today! oh yes must announce, i'll be prolonging my term as P for another year. Hope things willl be better this time round. alright gastric pain attack see ya'll.

Taffy at 11:29:00 PM

14 April, 2005


Alright so i was at work today right? Right. Was an opening shift.

And today this guy called Nazly and I were the only Crew from T2 who were working in Novena.

Thing abt Novena- Things have either Run out, sold out or is broken. Sheesh.

It is amazing when a place that serves Fish and Chips, doesn't got those chips to go along with their Fish, which is by the way Fantabulous. Try it.

So yea, Novena things start out quiet, so Naz and i get this competition thing going on, to see who can be louder when serving the guests.

If you know me, that seriously is the wrong thing to compete with me on.

MX claims that to hear me at a volume that will not shatter your ear drums when singing, people have to shift to the next LT.


Target No 1. KAY

OLD lady in flowery shirt.

She was waiting for her friend to show up, and so she was sitting alone. I approach her. When i was within close enough range, meaning abt 5 feet away, i give my heartiest welcome ever, " HI WELCOME TO FISH & CO, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO TAKE YOUR ORDER." I swear she jumped so high she landed in a seat half way across the room, lucky the chair was there to break her fall.

Lucky she didn't break the chair with her fall. hmmm. That might have meant a pay cut and a possible law suit.

She was so scared of me after that, she practically stammered while giving me her order, while me, Nazly and Norman my Myanmarese Manager tried to stifle our laughter. Norman was acting as our judge, see.

Target no 2. NAZLY.

The senior Citizens.

The lingo we use when we forget our table no.s can sometimes be a little insulting to the customers. I call these two the SENIOR CITIZENS. I saw them coming in i go up to Naz, and say " YO Naz, Senior Citizen duo comin in, want their order taken, blow them away ."

The coward barely whispered la.


" The bugger so old, i talk loudly he kena heart attack sia."

I would have accepted that reason had i not "accidentally" broken a cup and a saucer right next to grandpa with an almighty crash.

He didn't even flinch. In fact i would have thought he was dead if not for the occasional flipping of a magazine in front of him.


So winner for the day- KAY!!!!! yay!!

Disclaimer: Participants of this competition, or the competition itself is not ageist in any way. All Targets are purely coincidental. Coincidentally old.

Oh you know what?!!!

Fun facts


Lawrence the Training Executive for Fish and Co was previously a man Hunt winner. He used to be gorgeous, *So now you know what happens to good-looking people, they become ugly* and he loves me - calls me Bubbly. ...

He says he loves the way i speak!! so confident and light and flowy!!! wahaahaha.

Well duh Law and Mgt student here!!! Presentation skills much? yea you heard me! i'm taking pride in what i am! I am gonna become a freaking lawyer 10 years from now and make tons of money! yes i am full of my self, because i am trained by the best.

If your freaking inferiority complex is affecting you, please go and wank, i hear it helps.


Norman the Manager from Myanmmar has a friend who created a first in Legal History. How?

By falling onto the soccer pitch, after getting pushed by an excited crowd and getting fined for it. lol. Who's gonns sue whom? The legal system ah. Ah heck i love it anyway.

Taffy at 10:45:00 PM

11 April, 2005


Somebody may have come to take over your place.

Sooner than i expected.

In ways i never expected.

Too bad. It's really too bad.

It could have been something.


Taffy at 12:21:00 AM

07 April, 2005


You know how some smileys tend to remind you of people?

Yea.Heres my list.


The Azizah


The Terence


The Kenny


The Melvo


The Apri


The Brandon


The Mx

: ]

The Nad


I've heard of people dealing with the situation by pretending its not there.This has to be the first time i'm dealing with a situation with someone, WHILE pretending its not there.

And having to understand the subtleties of everything thats said, not directly to me, obviously directed at no one else but me.And me having to answer in kind.So whaddya say we just drop it and just pretend like it never happened, and we never understood, and just continue the way its going? ok? deal? fantastic.



Amazingly absurd story, want to know what its about come ask me.

I live in a sitcom. Truly there is no doubt about it.

Only i wish everything else was as funny.

Only i can't possibly put it down in words here cos the way i'm feeling any joke coming from me would probably make the listener end up in tears.

So peace out y'all.

I'm so farking tired. Again.

Life's a Chee Bai i tell you.

Taffy at 1:25:00 AM

06 April, 2005



I hopped over to Mel's blog and whaddya know, he had an entry on Devdas!

I would say something about great minds at this juncture, but i'm afraid my tag board will be flooded with protests.

If you got that, goody for you. If you didn't, you're probably dumb and shouldn't read this blog cause its been written by a great mind.

And if you still don't get. You have no hope. :P

Well, anyways, i suppose we're suddenly all thinking about the production precisely because 4 months have passed and we've passed the buffer zone where you think back and still want to kill somebody.
So now we have fond memories. Yippee.

I just finished sending Cat my SDO the project report about DEVDAS. And i've been returning to school to pack all the saris, and every sari i picked up i could name which character wore it and for which scene. All the costumes will be returned this week.

Thats it. DEVDAS is now OFFICIALLY OVER. Sad.

I was flipping through the script a couple of days back, and it seemed like every page carried a couple of memories with it.

Looking back, i suddenly feel like the person running the production wasn't me.

It was an older person. Someone who could direct, Dance choreograph, costume-co-ordinate, Prop purchase, and do research and whatever else administrative shit that had to be done.Not to mention stage-manage without a voice. lol. That took the cake.

There were days i would wake up and go- "Alright- i'm cancelling the production today."
And you know the period when you're just falling asleep, and your sub-conscious surfaces? The few minutes before you fall asleep when you stop deluding yourself and face facts? Yea, during that time, i would think, maybe, this is beyond me. I'm too small for this. I should stop. And then Zoom! i'd be up and doing somemore reading into the script and looking through the scenes.

I wouldn't let myself think negative. Until of course that day when everyone just seemed disinterested and just complained. That's when i gave up.

Plus there was all the parental objection. Hmph.

And all the amazingly absurd problems that made me think God was against me.

But, perseverance was there.Faith in my actors. My friends.

People kept saying i was favourtising. Well screw'em all, cos if you ask me, i think they're the ones who did the best. And no one could have done it the way they did. Not Madhuri, Not Smita Jayakar, It kills me to say this but Not even Shah Rukh.Forgive me Lord for i have blasphemed.

But we pulled through and there- Dramatec made history.Lol.

The only complaint i have is that the story never touched me. Not in the love sense. Maybe cos the story was never about love. I think it was more just about stupid choices. And family.
Now the family bit is the one that made me retire to the toilet once in a while and have a good cry.Some scenes were just too familiar.Lol.

So i bought the english translation of the Bengali book, and read through it. It was dead boring.
Because it carried none of the granduer that the film had. It was simple and slow. Not dramatic enough.
But then now when i pick it up. I realise its reality and simplicity is what makes it so moving. Its sooo real. There is no glamour involved. Just simple plain truth.

And suddenly i understood Devdas. After 4 months. ...

I know. A tad too late.

He's the weirdest and most HUMAN being that ever lived. And he is so stupid. He lived so much by emotion, it was almost wrong. And he was defined by so many stupid rules and social standards that he didn't even understand, but followed because of parents he's never loved, or seen for the past ten years. And by the time he realises it, according to him, its too late.and THEN he starts flouting those rules. Whats the point? CARPE DIEM.

Paro is the epitome of love.Now i get what they mean by "Of love, hers the very heart".She bared her soul to that guy, and lay at his feet and him?- he's afraid of getting caught.phooey! Most women although they love with all of their hearts and souls, they never tell you, because, of pride and the fear of getting mocked.Or like Paro, looked at with sympathy.That can really kill you.

Paro had that pride, but she didn't care. And in return she got stabbed by a stupid letter.See what i mean? But she was responsible and clever. And also very, very self-sacrificing.

Chandramukhi, is exactly like Paro. When she loves .. she loves.

Men, too often they take women and their love for granted. They only tend to look at beauty and whether she satisfies his every need. Women are very strong people. They bear with it and love that person even more fiercely.

Sometimes, i think the saddest thing is to be born a woman. You love too much and get hurt in the process by stupid fools who listen to their mothers and their silly social rules, and then later ask you to elope with them.

I can understand why they both loved Dev so much. I think i fell in love with his character too. Its the type of character that can confuse you with its quirks and impulsiveness, and irritate you with its strange sense of propriety, and yet take you away with its intensity and beautiful words.

He's like an autumn wind, that blows hot and cold at the same time. Somebody that needs caring and understanding, and someone to play with at the same time. Hmmm, i know two men who're like that. hmmm.


I miss working on Devdas.

The next play we'll be having will probably be spanned over a year so that its not too commitment demanding.

And it'll probably be a musical.

I may get involved. Nay, i will get involved, as an actor and creative director, lol. Miss production stress too much.

Taffy at 1:26:00 AM

05 April, 2005

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is (he has)
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky
I can't take my eyes off (-?) you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off (-?) you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...And so it is (he has)
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is (he has)
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial
I can't take my eyes off (-?) you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off (-?) you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to(?)
Leave it all behind?
I can't take my mind off (-?) you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off (-?) you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...My mind...my mind...'Til I find somebody new

I'm addicted. To you.
But, i can't say it.
Not allowed to.
Cos, you may not get it.

I could cry sometimes. For you. With you.
But i can't. And i won't.

I cry right now. In front of the screen.
For you.

Not what you're looking for.Probably.
It's sad.
But i know reality.
Theres no hope.

I don't want there to be.
I like what it is now.
I'll take what i can get.

And so it is..... I can't get you out. Of my mind.
So i'll let you stay. For a little while.
Pray somebody new comes along.

And i'll try not to look at you.
Try not to notice that smile. That laugh.
That. Everything.

And so... i'll just let it be.
Once in awhile, like now,
i'll take these feelings out.
Like an old picture.
Look at it.
And put it away.

My only indulgence. Don't worry.

Taffy at 3:38:00 AM

04 April, 2005

TOP 3.

Below is a display of the top three famous men who have claimed my heart.

1) Ricky Ullman- Love that smile. Claim to fame? Pixel Perfect, Phil of the Future.

He's more of a Teenage Girl's Dream Guy. If you're into guys your age. This is the one to look out for. Probably the Tom Welling of Tomorrow. Quite a comedian too.

2) Shah Rukh Khan- Claim to fame, Do you really need me to tell you? Hello where have you been? Under Lela? (Who happens to be under Mel, who happens to be under the loin cloth of the rock. Which just happens to be on the moon. :D)

This one is a charmer, he'll have you wrapped around his lil pinky just by looking into your eyes and holding your hand while talking to you. Guys-
(*hint! GIRLS JUST LOVE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT, And you have to hold her hand against your chest, don't forget to smile.Idiots) The Ladies who are into slighty more Mature but mischievious men.Look to this one.

3) Tom Welling- Claim to Fame - SMALLVILLE., Cheaper By The Dozen.

He's a sweetie, a sweetie who's married. What kind of an idiot gets married when he's in his prime and probably Hollywood's future? Hope he doesn't pull a Tom Cruise. Never can trust these Toms. And thats why he's at the bottom of the list. Oh .. but he's got the face (and bod) of an angel.That counts for alot and so, i forgive him.

Now, is it me... or do these three just carry the slightest hint of resemblance to each other? hmmmmmm.... i will continue to stare at their pictures and let you know.

Taffy at 1:51:00 AM

Isn't he just so goofy? I could look at that face forever. Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:43:00 AM

Ah... No.1 on my list! Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:42:00 AM

See wat i mean abt those eyes? So soulful.. sigh... Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:41:00 AM

He's got great eyes dontcha'll think? Nose gets in the way tho. Still, i love him. Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:39:00 AM

My Main Man. Gawd He's looking hot. Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:37:00 AM

He looks like an Angel. *swoons* Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:26:00 AM

Hubbalicious James Dean Look alike. (Tom Welling) Posted by Hello

Taffy at 1:22:00 AM

03 April, 2005


re·li·gion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-ljn)n.

A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Yeah I should think so, am ave. an entry or two a day.

Hopefully,my blog is actually interesting, unlike the many mundane blogs out there, which seem to do nothing but record the daily happenings of its owners.

Yeah like we really need to know whether you've brushed your teeth or not, or whether you spent the day watching potatoes grow between your toes.

I mean yea, you can write bout that, but not JUST that.

Be like me, put that keyboard to a good use and type something thought-provoking. Yes, i am boasting. And if you don't like that, close this window and go water those potatoes.


Taffy at 5:34:00 PM


Good friends in Secondary school, at first she was quiet then she broke out, and lived her life a little.

A little too much perhaps, cause we fell out.

But then, turn of events pushed us together again, all was forgiven. Hp No.s exchanged and Msn adds too.

Priscilla must have been the first friend i truly loved. The only friend i truly ever loved. Maybe i even loved her more than a friend. Yea, i'm talking about exactly what you're thinking about. lol.

Mindblowing huh? feel the same way here.Maybe its cause i just realised it 5 years after it happened.

See i had her, as a friend, and i totally didn't know how to help her or what to do with her even, and then she was gone. Because of a stupid mistake and a wagging tongues, Parental and peer influence.

It was a one sided friendship, where she didn't know much about me but i knew almost everything about her.

And now, because of my wonderful insomnia that keeps me awake at the weirdest of hours, she often clicks on my MSN nick and voila! alexissmallfry appears on my screen.

I gave her that nick. Called her Alex in school. Proceeded onto calling her smallfry. Apparently it stuck.

She is different. I would describe her as shallow- but thats got to be the deepest 20 cent sized puddle i have ever seen.

Thats a compliment.

She doesn't choose to see much, but the little that she does see? she REALLY sees.

Bra-burning feminist type, poet, writer, taking her Phd in Eng. Lit., goes on missionary trips to Cambodia/Kampuchea, Roughs it out even though she's your uppity rich girl, dress well, speaks well-daddy's an expatriate. She's full asian though.

She's vegetarian, and strict one at that.Foodie. Loves her food. Cooks up stuff like Coconut-Lemongrass praline chocolate. The coconut is infused with lemon grass and its very filling so you never eat too much- her explanation.


They say the people you grow up with seriously affect who you become later on. I think we pretty much influenced each other quite a bit. I mean look at my Ginger bread with lemon sauce.

And i pretty much go on and on about religion, the poor,the hungry, racists,children and all my noble ideals.

This girl she's got her facts, numbers, and experience to boot.

After one conversation, she got me revved up enough to do what i always wanted- join UNICEF and PAP Youth.

She lives her life like a bohemian, can say shes grown up quite abit, quite sensible now.

When i talk to her it's like i'm somebody else. Things i didn't even know i knew come spilling out. Its no holds barred. Full frontal.In your face. M-18 may be even. No, no porn.Although we did talk about gay porn once.
When i read through the convos we have, we sound like two adults. Something i don't think i can have with my other friends.

Having conversations with some of my guy friends through the night as they chain smokes and i frantically chase flies away doesn't even come close.

We debate about beaureaucratic policies, conditional thinking, poetry. Talk about Sylvia Plath, William Blake, and different kinds of writing.War. Food.Philosophy.

Exchange our own writing even. I don't think i'll be able to do that with any of my current friends.

She's like a breath of fresh air. A fellow Idealist soul, who would walk bare-foot with me through Orchard, and bah at all the black and white Pragmatists.

Only she would say something like this- while we were discussing the Pope's death.

"I'll be ready to die once i get my PhD and i save the world."... I told her to keep dreaming. lol.

She's somebody, when you talk to all rules go out of the window, and you can do anything. But sensibly please. And theres hope. Always a possibilty, Even a probability can be made into a possibility, which in turn soon becomes reality.

She's just like anyone else, but what makes her different is she's forced herself out of the box, so that now she lives on a totally different plane.

Whereas i was born in limbo. lol. How can i not? My father's a hippy/ ex-gangster/ex-scout/bohemian-philosopher. And my mother's a village bumpkin turned city dame. hmmm.No wonder i turned out like this.

Back to smallfry-

But even though i adore her, and i think she's a genius, i guess some times brilliance comes at a price, though she came into it quite late in her life, right now i would say she's totally in her element, if it weren't for her psychological disorders. Although i don't think she takes it quite seriously. which is great.

But sometimes i Thank God that i am in "limbo". And i've got Pragmatists around.

Sometimes the intellectually blessed have too much to think about.And their perspectives are so different, and they see everything through a different filter. So i guess they tend to get stressed some of them, esp. the ones with out support.

Depressed even.

Suicidal even.

Damn. Bloody damn shite.

Taffy at 4:41:00 AM

02 April, 2005

HAPPY B=DAY TERRY-BIATCH!!! THE JOKES ON YOU! I LOVE YOU! i love you i love you i love you you silly cow! mooooooooooooo mooooooooooo love you love you love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taffy at 8:53:00 PM


BRO: Since when have i ever studied on a Saturday?

Dad: *looks at him agape* Since when have you studied?


Convo takes place in Telugu*

Me- Plays Renee Olstead real loud, and sings along

Mum: Oh turn it off! You call that singing? The girl's braying like a donkey!

I turn it off IMMEDIATELY.

Dad: Now see what you've done? And she was singing so well.

Mother and me stare at him in shock. He smiles at us and walks away.

Mum: Did he- Was he joking or being sarcastic?

Me: I don't know. But that was scary.



My mother makes these fritter kind of things. She also makes the healthy version. You know the kind that are not deep fried but pan toasted.

So i pick one up nibble at it and offer the rest to my dog. My dog shiffs at it and raises her eyebrow at me, trots away snorting.

I'm half-expecting her to start talking any day soon.

Taffy at 8:35:00 PM

Slow Days

Well.. I officially start work on 15th of April.... meanwhile starting next Wednesday , i get to be trained. yippee.

Kay, has been told by mommy-empress that her main objective this holiday would be to lose weight. Wow.

And so, today she has consumed half a can of Tuna, 2 slices of bread, 1 1/2 eggs, and 3 brinjal fritters, plus half a cup of milk, which i had to drink holding my nose. - it's not that i hate milk- the milk was fresh- FARM fresh ya know? eurgh... i could still taste cow udder. bleargh...

By the way she will be taking a really long walk later on to shed of the pounds followed by a whole lot of body contortioning- yoga.

Ending off the day would be a good dose of indian drama, on Vasantham Central, at which i will be laughing my ass off at.

Then, i will proceed on to ironin clothes for tmw's church service.

Have to make sure that i choose something that will not make me too noticeable, after the previous weekend's eruptions, i'm thinking sunglasses and the back pew. Or would that make me stand out even more? Sunglasses- indoors hmmm... let me think about it.

And then, I will for once head off to bed before the chickens wake up. Not that we own any.But i do suspect the Chinese temple downstairs does, or atleast they did. I wonder what happened to them. hmmm.

Hey! there you go i typed out a blog with each sentence starting with a letter from my name! hah! yay... so now you know its from me.


Not very clever, this is my blog. tsk.Oh well, maybe i'll mail it to you.
I feel so bimbotic today.

Taffy at 7:23:00 PM

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